Red Earth, White Lies

Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact

Vine Deloria, Jr.

271 Pages, ISBN 1 55591 388 1     
Fulcrum Publishing, 1997     

Vine Deloria, Jr., leading Native American scholar and author of the best-selling God Is Red, addresses the conflict between mainstream scientific theory about our world and the ancestral worldview of Native Americans. Claiming that science has created a largely fictional scenario for American Indians in prehistoric North America, Deloria offers an alternative view of the continent's history as seen through the eyes and memories of Native Americans. Further, he warns future generations of scientists not to repeat the ethnocentric omissions and fallacies of the past by dismissing Native oral tradition as mere legends.

Vine Deloria, Jr. is professor of history, law, religious studies, and political science at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is the author of numerous books, including God is Red, Custer Died for Your Sins, and Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties.

"This is Vine Delora's best book yet. ... Red Earth, White Lies shoots down a whole herd of sacred cows - from Charles Darwin's cow to Samuel Eliot Morison's bull."
- Leslie Marmon Silko, author of Ceremony

"Vine Deloria, Jr., started the whole modern American Indian renaissance... Now in Red Earth, White Lies, he is lambasting scholars and scientists for filling our heads with nonsense while they ignore the traditional knowledge of native tribes. Bound to be controversial, bound to start readers rethinking old concepts."
- Dee Brown, author of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

"This is Vine Deloria at his very best - challenging, taunting, acerbic - and powerful."
- Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., author of Now That the Buffalo's Gone

(The text above comes from the back of the book)     

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