Magic of the Celtic Otherworld
Irish history, lore & rituals
Steve Blamires
Llewellyn Publications, 2018
Explore a marvelous world of glamoury: the Celtic Otherworld of shadow and Sidhe,
a realm where everything that ever was, is, or will be, exists right now.
The Celts had a life-affirming, mystical way of viewing and living life, in tune with
the forces of Nature and magic. Drawing upon Irish Celtic spiritual tradition, history,
literature, and myth, this tried and true guidebook (formerly titled Glamoury,) offers
a holistic system that will help you reconnect with this enchanting realm - the Green World of the Celts.
Magic of the Celtic Otherworld presents techniques for becoming attuned to the life forces
of the Green World through seasonal rituals, visualizations, and practical magical workings.
Learn how to find your way around the Otherworld, and gain an understanding of how each of us constantly
shapes and affects the land on which we live. Most importantly, discover how to make contact with inhabitants
of the Otherworld in order to deepen your spiritual practice and enrich your everyday life.
Steve Blamires was born in Ayr, Scotland, and is one of the foremost Celtic scholars in the world.
He is a cofounder of The Company of Avalon, a working magical group offering an in-depth training
in the Western Mystery Tradition. He leads spiritual tours to many of the sacred sites of Northern Europe.
He has written numerous articles for publications in both the U.K. and U.S., and is the author of the
book Celtic Tree Mysteries: Practical Druid Magic & Divination.
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