The Sidhe
Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld
John Matthews
Lorian Press , 2004
"This Book gives a fascinating account of a connection with the Otherworld.
It is an encouragement for all of us to change our ways and expand more deeply into the
immediate world around us and into the universe, thereby helping ourselves and the planet.
It has the touch of reality that gives true meaning to it."
- Dorothy Maclean, author of To Hear the Angels Sing, To Honor the Earth, Seeds of Inspiration, Call of the Trees, Come Closer, and others
"I recommend this book highly to anyone wishing to explore contact with the living faery realm.
This is not a whimsical or fantastical book, but a valid account based on one man´s actual experience.
Furthermore, it comes from a scholar and author deeply rooted in Celtic and Arthurian tradition, who is
able to make firm and positive connections with the ancestral traditions of the West, thus we can trust
that he is not inventing "Celtic" material, as so many modern writers do for sentimental of
commercial reasons, to our detriment and confusion.
When I read this text, I am reminded of the accounts from the great masters of our tradition, such as
AE of Fiona Maclead, of W B Yeats, not (of cource) because John Matthews has mimicked these in any way,
but because he is tapping into the same deep sources of faery communion that they discovered, more than
one hundred years ago. Therefore I recommend this book both for its unique and original content and for
its harmonious place within an enduring tradition of faery spirituality in the Western consciousness.
Read it! Be inspired by it! Then go and do likewise."
- R J Stewart 2004, author of Where is Saint George?, The Living World of Faery, Power Within the Land,
Earthlight, and others
"John Matthews combines a life of scholarship with an extraordinary familiarity with the inner and
spiritual worlds that make up the non-physical side of our world´s ecology. Nowhere is this combination
so well displayed as in this book, which also showcases his talents as a writer and teller of tales.
This creates a work that is filled with a unique wisdom that is readily accesible to any reader.
I cannot recommend it highly enough."
- David Spanger, author of Blessing: The Art and the Practice, The Story Tree, Manifestation:
Creating the life you love, and others
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