The Sabbats

A New Approach to Living the Old Ways

Edain McCoy

360 Blz., ISBN 1 56718 663 7     
Llewellyn Publications, 1999     

Celebrate You Connection to the Seasons in New Ways

Open this book and you´ll find a marvelous array of fresh, exciting ideas to deepen your connection to the turning of the Wheel of the Year. Here is a tremendously practical guide to celebrating the Pagan festivals that does more than just teach you about the "old ways" - you will learn how to combine old customs with new expressions of your beliefs that will fit today´s lifestyle and your chosen tradition.
Comprehensive chapters on each of the eight Sabbats are packed with valuable ideas for inexpensive seasonal parties in which Pagans and non-Pagans alike can participate to celebrate the turning of the seasons - as well as numerous craft ideas and recipes to enrich your celebrations. The sixteen complete texts of Sabbat rituals can be adapted to specific traditions and individual tastes - and they provide a deeply satisfying way for both covens and solitaries to formally honor the Sabbats.
If you are new to Paganism, you will find the background on Pagan tenets, teachings and tools necessary to give you a cohesive framework for integrating this material into your emerging practice. For those who are already dedicated Pagans, this guide presents new and thought-provoking ideas for observances that are guaranteed to enhance any coven´s rituals and gatherings.

  • Get many exciting ideas for celebrating your connection to the seasons with your circle, friends and family
  • Accompany your seasonal rituals with music from eight traditional musical scores
  • Prepare hot cross buns, heather wine, Yule cake, mead and other traditional and non-traditional Sabbat foods with many delicious recipes
  • Practice ancient customs adapted to suit your lifestyle and Pagan tradition
  • Make masks for Samhain, a May pole for Beltane, a candle wheel for Imbolg, Sun amulets for Midsummer, Sabbat calendars to count down the days to celebrations and much more

"A delightful collection of Wiccan observances for families, covens, or solitaries. The Sabbats is filled with songs, rituals, crafts, games, correspondences and practical how-to´s spun delightfully together with a smattering of history."

Silver RavenWolf     

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