Heimskringla - Snorri Sturluson
Volume 1 - The Beginnings to Óláafr Tryggvason
Translated by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes
Published by the Viking Society 2011, second edition 2017
In this edition references to Volume I of Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages (Skald I)
have been added to the verses, stanza numbers of skaldic poems now follow the arrangement in that edition,
and titles of poems are given as in the same edition. Stanzas without such references are to be edited in
volumes not yet published: Stanzas 1, 68 and 157 in Volume III and Stanza 146 in Volume V.
Some corrections and improvements have been made to the translation. Some footnotes have been added or extended,
and corrections also made from Hkr III 468 and from te review by Kate Heslop in Journal of English and
Germanic Philology, July 2014, pp. 372-74.
(The text above comes from the preface in the book)
- Ynglinga saga
- Hálfdanar saga svarta
- Haralds saga ins hárfagra
- Hákonar saga góða
- Haralds saga gráfeldar
- Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar
Heimskringla - Snorri Sturluson
Volume II - Olafr Haraldsson (the Saint)
Translated by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes
Published by the Viking Society, 2014
- Óláfs saga ins helga
- Passages from Snorri's Separate Óláfs saga helga not in Heimskringla
Heimskringla - Snorri Sturluson
Volume III - Magnús Óláfsson to Magnús Erlingsson
Translated by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes
Published by the Viking Society, 2015
- Magnúss saga ins góða
- Haralds saga Sigurðarsonar
- Óláfs saga kyrra
- Magnúss saga berfoetts
- Magnússona saga
- Magnúss saga blinda ok Haralds gilla
- Haraldssona saga
- Hákonar saga herðibreiðs
- Magnúss saga Erlingssonar